What is Dolby ATMOS

What is Dolby ATMOS?

1007 Dolby Screening Room, London

We’re hosting some special screenings in November that will be in 3D and Dolby ATMOS, the latest development in Dolby’s technology. Lots of members have been asking us, what is ATMOS and why is it so different?

Dolby ATMOS is a new cinema sound system that essentially doubles the number of speakers in the cinema and geographically surround you (behind the screen, under the screen, along the side walls, back of the auditorium and two lines of overhead speakers). All of those speakers are working in harmony and mixed accordingly in new, specially created software.  

This video should explain in better detail:

The speakers are arranged in a grid, relative to the size of the room. So, if you have a 60 seater theatre, you might get something like 30 speakers. In a 150 seater, more like 60. Each box (speaker) is placed in relation to its neighbours to cover the auditorium. Each sound (or object) can be pin-pointed to an area of the room.

This allows sound designers to mix the audio to specific zones or even individual speakers, anywhere in the room, enhancing the picture for a fully immersive experience.

We’ve heard it and it’s incredible. Alfonso Cuaron describes ATMOS as the sound system he has always dreamed of, insisting that all press screenings of Gravity be shown in this new format.



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